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Meanwhile back in the Secret Lair the dreaded...

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Lurks, waiting for its next victim!


What started out as a way to to start paring down forty plus  years' worth of toys, action figs & comic books has somehow turned into a full time occupation. Epic Robo-Spider is the purveyor of choice among pop-culture enthusiasts in the Hudson Valley with the most trusted Ultimate Nullifier repair staff in the Hudson Valley since 2013! 

Check us out often because unlike our fashion sense (t-shirts, jeans and Vans- hey, if it ain't broke don't fix) our stock is always changing- .

SELLERS don't be shy! We're always on the hunt for pop culture gold (or silver, or bronze). There's a pretty good chance that we'll come to you- we love a good road trip so don't hesitate to contact us when your spouse, mom, the IRS, whomever tell (force) you to pare down the collection.  




Our Selling Philosophy:

As you explore our site you'll see that we offer a couple of different ways to get your newest, favorite things. First, you can buy it from us at our online shop. While this is the preferred method, from our point of view, it has dawned on us that we don't always have the best price. Sometimes we do and that is why we give you the abilty to see other shops' prices on Amazon & eBay. In the event that we aren't the lowest or we are out of a product, you can choose to pull the trigger right there on the Amazon or eBay site. Spreading the Pop Culture vibe is first and foremost to us so we have no problem providing alternatives to our site alone- after all we are collectors too. Also, as affiliates we do receive a commission if a particular item is bought through our link in an allotted time frame. For more information about affiliate selling follow this link. Bear in mind that not all sellers pay as much attention as we do to the shipping process. We go to great lengths to protect your orders the best way possible. Have fun perusing our site and don't forget to check out our blog page, "The 70's Were the Future" so without further ado, in the immortal words of "The Man", Excelsior!


Charlton, DC, DELL, EC & MARVEL

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Epic Robo-Spider

317 Main St. Highland Falls, NY 1092

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